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進興精工股份有限公司(Chin Hsing Precision Industry Co., Ltd) 創立於1990年,具有近20年專業製造生產國際規格之軸承套筒、退卸套筒、套筒螺帽、套筒華司、定位片、鋼片螺帽、GUK防鬆螺帽…等產品經驗(新產品陸續開發中)。擁有強有力的RD團隊,故國際標準規格品外我們亦提供OEM/ODM客製化產品之設計、製造生產服務;我們的產品:工廠直營、規格齊全、價錢公道、品質穩定、交貨迅速 (庫存充足),是世界知名軸承大廠指定工廠,更是業界最佳選擇。 本公司具有ISO-9001:2008,ISO-14001:2004,ROSH及台灣精品等國際認證,更以" C.S. "商標品牌享譽國際。所代理日本知名品牌“AKI連座軸承” 產品遍佈國內外,熱銷全世界,廣受國內/外客戶好評及肯定。 進興精工股份有限公司始終以“品質、信賴、專業、創新及熱誠”為經營理念,歡迎業界合作賜教。
Color Beyond Impression Concept Co., Ltd.,是由一個熱愛色彩與美感的設計師S所創立的公司,從沒有電腦的年代學廣告創意開始,創辦人深深為色彩著迷。 當大部分女生因為流行而採買化妝品時,S因為顏色的美好而買了很多口紅、眼影,她的母親曾經問:「若不使用為什麼要買呢?」;當大部分設計師穿著深黑色系來凸顯自己,S把其他顏色也穿搭到身上,不同的季節,用不同的色彩來表達心情。色彩對創辦人而言,就像生活中缺少不了空氣與水一樣。 與其說Color Beyond 是一家創意設計公司,不如說是一家形象顧問公司會更貼切,我們不會特別把自己界定在某個範圍內,我們做的就是外在觀感與內在感受合為一的"印象"工作,可能是一個新創企業的形象包裝定位,也可能是個人的色彩識別委託,就是就如同創意不是只有對設計師有用,也對普羅大眾日常的食衣住行有著深淺不一的影響。
金瑞治科技股份有限公司 ( Green Rich Technology Co.,Ltd ) ,創立於 1998 年,近年來致力於有機感光物質 之研究及產品開發。電子光電產業是國家建設六年計劃中列為重點發展專案,也是我國目前成長為快速的新興產業之一,金瑞治科技致力於有機光電化學之研究,並將研究發展之成果實際應用於產業中。所發展之高感度 OPC ,主要應用於雷射印表機、普通紙傳真機以及數位影印機上,是極為重要之關鍵元件,同時也是耗材,一般估計,雷射印表機等機器約承印五千頁紙張左右,即需更換其 OPC 感光滾筒,而由於近年來資訊案及網際網路的快速發展,且雷射印表機等機器價格大幅滑落及裝機量每年成長驚人,使得 OPC 需求大量大增,極具市場潛力,前景看好,身為台灣數位影像零組件專業製造廠之ㄧ員,金瑞治以一流品質與極大化顧客價值建立行銷全球網路。 年度 歷 程 內 容 1998 公司設立 1999 竹南廠房動工 2000 廠房落成啟用 2001 完成鋁管素材切削、塗佈製程試量產 2002 量產 OPC 產品、研發成功 DUC 製程 2003 榮獲國際 ISO9001 認證、申請 DUC 製程專利 2004 榮獲得經濟部補助進行業界開發產業技術計畫、成功開發南美洲 /俄羅斯市場 2005 榮獲日本、韓國、台灣之 DUC專利認證 2007 第二條生產設備量產 2008 榮獲IECQ QC080000認證 2010 榮獲ISO 14001認證、第三條生產設備量產、第四條生產設備量產 2011 第五條生產設備量產、公開發行 本公司位於北二高109公里的香山交流道下,台1線中華路及台13線省道公義路邊(廣源科技園區),新竹市香山區與竹南鎮交界處。
Chuan-Yi Enterprise was established in June 1995. We’ve been in the power connector production business for more than 2 decades. Guan-Yin Enterprise Co. Ltd. was first established in 1979; Sixteen years later, the company name was then modified to Chuan-Yi. Chuan-Yi’s production of pins, communication accessories, computer connecter (D-sub connectors, Coaxial, power connectors) MCX, MMCX, SMA, adapters, etc… has a long history in the market. With our professional engineering development and outstanding staff members, we have absolute faith in providing the best quality of services and products for our dear customers. Your feedback and satisfaction would always be the motivation for us to continue growing and progressing. Accordingly, we believe your needs for new products and designs will be cautiously and respectfully taken care of.
Janky Technology Co., Ltd. is one of the leading manufacturers of Satellite Antennas in Taiwan. Endeavoring over 20 years, Janky has established a reliable reputation in manufacturing and developing Satellite Antenna and Stamping / Molding Tool. All members of Janky are dedicated to offer complete and excellent products to our business partners worldwide. To satisfy growing needs and demands from the customers, we always keep on developing new products and enlarge our production capacity. Besides, our professional skills and experiences of Stamping / Molding Tool will be able to satisfy your OEM / ODM business of any stamping or casting parts. Our product range: * Offset Antenna: 45cm ~ 180cm * Prime Focus Antenna: 160cm / 180cm * Multi-LNB Antenna Janky’s success is based on: * Customer-oriented satisfaction and service * Harmonious team work by the most talented and skillful staffs * Standardization Quality-Control based on ISO 9001:2000 We are confident in offering reliable products with stable quality. Enjoy our services! We will do more than your expectation.
本公司為機械零件加工代工廠,致力提昇工件產品之準確度,穩定性與效率,引進日本MAZAK高精度五軸機械設備投入生產營運 ,秉持服務與熱忱之態度與客戶面對 ,藉由客戶的需求學習與成長並累積經驗增加競爭力 , 貴公司若需要本公司服務與配合請與我們聯絡. 謝謝您! Sin Bai Li Precision Co., Ltd. was established in 2010 by a highly experienced team for specializing in precision engineered parts products. It is dedicated to the design, development, manufacture and marketing of a broad range of precision engineered parts products, including Medical instruments Supplies processing OEM, Aerospace industry parts processing, 3C Electronic parts processing, Car, Motorcycle, Bicycle parts Manufacturing, Tools, Machine parts processing. It is a sizable and reputable corporation. The factories are located in Taiwan. It has extensive experience in doing OEM/ODM business in accordance with customer's need. It has a complete quality control system as well to ensure high quality standard. Its Leading Technologies, Superior Quality, Competitive Prices and Excellent Service can meet the market trend and customers' expectations. 加工代工項目 (1):醫療器具用品加工代工 (2):航太工業零件加工代工 (3): 3C 電子零件加工代工 (4):汽,機車, 腳踏車零件加工代工 (5):工具機業零件部品加工代工 Main Product (1)Medical Instruments Supplies Processing OEM (2)Aerospace Industry Parts Processing (3)3C Electronic Parts Processing (4)Car, Motorcycle, Bicycle Parts Manufacturing (5)Tools, Machine Parts Processing 公司地址: 407 台中市西屯區環中路二段996號 TEL:(04)2452-0606  FAX:(04)2452-5929  Mobil:0935-358800 E-mail: [email protected] 聯絡人:黃文宗 Sin Bai Li Precision Co.,Ltd. Address:No.996,Sec.2,Huanzhong Rd.,SitunDist.,Taichung City 407,Taiwan,R.O.C TEL: +886 4 2452 0606  FAX: +886 4 2452 5929  Mobil:+886 935358800 E-mail: [email protected]
台灣生技惠比壽竹炭香 竹炭 備長炭 香品發明專利授權製造【仿冒必究】 天然材料、添加生技產物磁化生態炭與竹炭粹取液等多重製型。惠比壽竹炭香為天然製品,故越陳越香。獨家專利配方【發明專利字號:發明第I-290056號】添加生態炭、竹炭粹取液,其中含15種以上天然成份,提供遠紅外線、天然負離子。潔淨空氣、怡香舒暢、鎮靜情緒、祥和氣氛、消臭的效果。使用惠比壽竹炭香系列產品,空氣中令人浮動不安的氣,迅速得到清淨。無刺激性,以超細微粒天然生態炭助燃、竹炭粹取液有消臭功能、無添加染料、染色和化學香精。 經S.G.S.檢測案號【RT2005A0045】不含鉀及多種有毒化學成份,完全燃燒產生微煙、氣味天然清新請放心使用。 臺灣產物商品責任險1000萬【13-87第00000058】 用途:淨化空氣、除臭、安定心神、紓解壓力、驅凶避邪、宅吉財福、禪定參拜禮佛。 保存期限:正常溫度永久。 專利字號:發明專利字號:發明第I-290056號 S.G.S.檢測案號【RT2005A0045】 臺灣產物商品責任險1000萬【13-87第00000058】 集 利 堡 有 限 公 司 GIZPO CO ., LTD  臺灣 嘉義縣 竹崎鄉中正路15號 電話:886-5-2613374 傳真:886-5-2613194 客服專線:0922411313
Our company, the manufacturer and leader in Taiwan which produce biodegradable and eco-friendly products, was established since 2005. Our main products are all biodegradable CPLA hot lids and cutlery. We cooperated with Jiah Sing Co., Ltd. in 2007. Jiah Sing is a forty-one year old company which has a conception of producing good quality products. We work hard to develop new PLA products and skills together since 2007. The products gain a good reputation both in quality and service. All of our products are guaranteed 100% biodegradable and compostable with no harm to environment. Up to now, we have developed various applications of biodegradable products, such as cutlery, lids, paper cups, cold cups. Hung-Fu-Xing’s PLA (heat tolerant maximum to 55 C) and CPLA (microwavable with maximum 100 C) products are made from 100% NatureWorks material. All are made from 100% corn. Our company supplies products to international restaurants and markets. Recently, Hung-Fu-Xing is planning to become one of the major manufacturers of disposable products at 2010 Winter Olympics in Canada.
本公司分為國際貿易部及休閒產業部門,國際貿易部主要商品為plywood、太陽能板原物料...等為主,休閒產業部經營飯店式俱樂度管理、游泳學校及社區游泳池及休閒設施管理...等,有興趣了解者,歡迎來電洽詢。 MAXMA GROUP Int’l Ltd. is a professional plywood purchase agent located in Shanghai , China specializing in plywood and related panel products. What MAXMAGROUP can do for you? Chinese plywood export -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- China’s booming plywood industry is quickly emerging as a serious and powerful contender in the world plywood manufacturing industry. However, there are thousands of small to medium size plywood mills in China and most of them do not really know or understand the quality requirements that customers need outside of China. So, how do you find the right partner to supply you the right products? Maxma is 1. your short cut to get the right plywood you need 2. your right interpreter to translate your quality into the language the mills can understand 3. your right grader to look after your interest after placing order
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